Oh, it's fun to use big words!!! Almost as much fun as sculpting Tootsie Rolls and Twinkies! Winkie Face! Decorating ideas number 45 and 46 were the Thanksgiving Turkeys and the Partridge in the Pear Tree. Three more to go! I have to tell you that there is no such thing as caramel jimmies. Dusty Daly City Professional Cake Store Proprietress told me this a few months ago, and lengthy internet searches have proven it true. It takes a special kind of weirdo to roll out tiny pieces of actual caramels and then mince them and then put them on the turkey with tweezers, but I did that! Then we decided that rainbow jimmies are just that much more festive. Louie likes birds. I'm not so much of a fan, so eating birds of whatever various flavors is my preferred avian interaction. We had a lovely holiday and hope everyone else did, too. Looking forward to some serious cupcaking cheer and then taking our creative endeavors to ever more artful heights- on Dasher, on Dancer!
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