Buster Cupcakes

Buster Cupcakes
Buster and I are making all the cupcakes out of "Hello, Cupcake" by Karen Tack and Alan Richardson, like Julie Powell did with Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking". We are open to gimmicks of any flavor!

Hey, nice cupcakes!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Gingerbread Girls in Tankinis- Louie Hits the Terrible Twos

Working those Christmas recipes! Mr. Filmschool's co-worker had a big birthday so got some special cupcakes- just in time for bikini season! What's more fun than dressing up in your tankini and hanging with your black lab! And Louie turned two- so he got some turkey and daddy got to eat his big birthday cake of cupcakes. Completed recipes number 21 and 22, 28 to go!

The Boxer cookies arrived in Belize- pulverized. My sugar cookies made it to Boston recognizably- so maybe just US shipping of sugar cookies. And maybe modifying the recipe a bit- more butter is always good.

And we had a paid order- yes we can do 24 Opera Singers: 14 girls and 10 boys! Break a leg, room seven kindergarten class-and keep singing!

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