I couldn't decide if I should make Ray Ray the clowns or the "When I Grow Up" cupcakes for her graduation from her Master's in Education, so I made both. It's especially fitting since we used to say a lot of our friends from high school would grow up to join the circus, and in fact a few did. AND since Ray Ray is a comic in her other life, the clowns were also particularly apt. We were

thinking about taking the cupcakes down to Bay to Breakers, but it was COLD at six am so we just

went back to bed. We made our own Bay to Breakers out of cupcakes! At least we added some more pets to our repertoire- if anyone has a lion or a pink elephant or a monkey- or even a pet clown- we're ready. I really like the lumberjack- I gave him green eyes in honor of Elvis. I tried making greyhouds using the Bugles from the clown hats, but they turned out to look exactly like my costume for Templeton the Rat when I was in "Charlotte's Web" in junior high. More ideas brewing though! Someone may have a rat out there they'd want memorialized in cupcakes! Sixteen down, 34 to go!
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