This week we made the popcorn box cupcakes in honor of Oscar!

Also, they looked easy and the book said one could buy the popcorn boxes at the party store- it used to be any excuse to party and now it's any excuse to go to the party store! The party store had the popcorn boxes but did not have any yellow marshmallows. The hunt for yellow marshmallows led us to Safeway and Walgreen's, before we had to turn to Google and Yelp. We found some yellow marshmallow "products" at a store called "The Candy Store", something tells me we'll be back! The popcorn was easy to make but was very time consuming.
I made these sundae cupcakes myself- out of my own imagination and not the book- in honor of the movie "Up", which was our favorite because of the talking dog, and because it mentioned Fenton's, an 114 year old ice cream parlor that my father used to take me to and his parents used to take him to.

Buster and Louie spent a great deal of time making their Oscar picks, but couldn't cut and paste them from Word. You'll have to take my word for it that they had an uncanny sense and guessed all the movies correctly, especially if "Up" was the winner.

Here's Louie getting in on the "Action!"
Hey, nice cupcakes! We're off to tap dancing lessons!
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