Kids of all ages LOVE the cupcakes.
Here's Io giving us a 1000 words of cupcake love in that high wattage smile...
And good friends who can handily come up with at least three drinks beginning with Z- Zima, Zombies, Zelda Fitzgeralds... alright you guys, what about X?Lucky for me I did have a sous-chef this week- not as good as an eleven year old girl but still with an enthusiasm for candy- Mister Filmschool helped me cut up the starburst fruit chews for the baby bibs. He said he'd never thought he'd be cutting up Starbursts to make baby bibs...
The baby cupcakes were pretty labor intensive- much like real babies! The book had you make some different skin colors- but I made all of them a creepy flesh-tone= mine. And they wanted you to give some of them bottles and some pacifiers and some bibs- but of course ours all had to have everything...since I bought a lot of pacifiers from "The Candy Store" and what else am I gonna use them for? The alphabet drinks?
This was my first experience with using the modeling chocolate and the template in the book. Worked out pretty well to make the safety pins. I have two extra to re-use for the Special Dolores Park cupcakes for next week!
Here is the cd I made expressly for friends' baby showers- It's on I-tunes:
We wish Heather a very very happy baby shower and all the best with the new baby girl!