Add your loved ones to the topper! Surprisingly this was not the most involved one of the recipes. That honor still goes to the Princesses! Although we were wondering if maybe you used the big gum drops instead of the spice drops for the dresses if it wouldn't be easier. Or fondant! The challenging bit of the wedding cupcakes was mainly hiding everything from Mr. Filmschool and breaking into the neighbor's kitchen to make the leaves. Well, I didn't break in, but I did have to cut leaves off her tree and paint them with chocolate in her kitchen. She had the brilliant idea of coating the leaves with shortening before painting them, so she let me use her organic vegan shortening, too. I am guessing butter might work as well. I had a brush but I used my
fingers, I didn't break any of them until I started painting them later with the luster dust and the heat of my fingers melted them a little bit. But they were very impressive to the house environmental horticulturalist. I ate the groom, he was delicious. Mr. Filmschool ate the bride, it was really cute. Buster and Louie get lunch meat for posing, not cupcakes! I did the wreath, too. So we're all set with plenty of luster dust, mini dragees, white pearls and crystal beads if anyone else needs any wedding cupcakes! Could be good for showers, too! 37 down, 12 to go!