We also had to do some Spring cleaning- getting those toadstools off of our webbed feet and the mildew off the antiques with white vinegar.
Instead of heading South to the Party Store and the Professional Baking Store- I went to Nordstrom's Rack and spent a whole lotta money on clothes- so the skinny on how expensive it is to buy cupcake fixin's has to take into account what we'd be doing if we weren't making cupcakes. No more cupcake breaks!
Alan Richardson, co-author of "Hello, Cupcake," commented on our Dolores Park made out of cupcakes and said, "Beautiful Cupcakes"! Just like Julia Child writing to Julia! Yay!
Somehow a close-up of the tap shoes didn't make it into the blog last week.
And Mr. Filmschool said we could say anything we wanted abut him- so here he is enjoying the cupcake representation of me, with my cd in the background:
He was sad that there were no cupcakes for him this week, so... no more cupcake hiatuses... I've got 32 weeks left in the year and 40 more decorating recipes! That ought to keep me out of Nordstroms! And we'll make some more Earth Day cupcakes- I want to try the bugs. Every day is Earth Day around here, seeing as Mr. Filmschool and I met volunteering for an Environmental Film Festival 18 years ago this month.